October 13, 2017

Free Crochet Pattern – Giant Bobble Cowl

As I’ve been promising on my vlog/podcast I am back today with a free crochet pattern using this giant bobble crochet stitch I have been obsessed with recently…



I started working these bobbles up with super chunky yarn and just fell in love with the effect. I was working this pattern up quite happily into cushion covers, the only problem was to get a standard size cushion I was using up quite a few balls of the super chunky (using a 9mm hook) which wouldn’t necessarily be a problem but the yarn I was using was fairly expensive and I ran out before I’d finished the front. After discovering the colour I had been working with was out of stock I had a look online for some less expensive alternatives and purchased some chunky yarns that I could experiment with.

Anyway long story short, I found I was still getting a lovely effect with the chunky yarn using a 6.5mm hook but by this time was a bit bored of making cushions! So today I am going to share this gorgeous stitch pattern with you and I have incorporated it into the simplest cowl pattern.

The cowl is worked in unturned rounds and you could use any chunky yarn to achieve the same effect.  The two yarns I used were quite different (although both acrylic) the Stylecraft was a lot softer and you can really see that in the way the cowl sits  – it’s much more squishy and soft whereas the Hayfield yarn gave a more structured cowl. So that’s something to keep in mind when selecting your yarn.

I hope you have fun with these supersize bobbles, the stitch is very simple and is worked up over to rows using treble (uk) increases and decreases.  You can increase/decrease the size by adjusting your starting chains in multiples of four. I have included a visual guide at the end of this post – although just to note I worked this up in turned rows (for ease of photography) so don’t worry if yours looks slightly different.

Lululoves: Free crochet pattern Giant Bobble Cowl

Lululoves: Free crochet pattern Giant Bobble Cowl

Giant Bobble Cowl by Emma Escott

Yarn: 2 balls of Hayfield Bonus Chunky Extra Value 100g or Weekender by Stylecraft Super Chunky (shade Petal)

You could also work 2 strands of aran yarn together for the same effect.

Hook: 6.5mm (you can shop my favourites here)

Notes and Special Stitches:

Tr7tog: [yarn over hook, insert hook into next st, draw through a loop, yarn over, pull through two loops] 7 times (8 loops on hook), yarn over, pull through all 8 loops on hook, ch1 to close.

V-St: (1tr, ch1, 1tr) in same space

In the first TR7tog of each round the ch2 counts as the first tr, you work the stitch as usual but only over the next 6 trebles.

Do not count the closing ch-1 over the bobble as a stitch.

To increase/decrease the size of your cowl adjust your starting chain in multiples of four.

Pattern is written in UK terms

Pattern start

Ch56, join with a sl st

Rnd 1: 1ch (doesn’t count as st), 1dc in each st, join with a sl st. (56dc)

Rnd 2: ch3 (counts as 1tr) 6tr in same st, *skip 3 ch, 7tr into next ch; repeat from * around, join with a sl st to top of beginning ch-3. Do Not Turn.

Rnd 3: ch2 (counts as first tr in tr7tog), *tr7tog, (1tr, 1ch, 1tr = 1 V-st) in space between clusters; repeat from * around (ending with a v-st), join with a sl st to top of bobble, sl st into next v-st (2 or 3 slip stitches). Do not turn.

Rnd 4: ch3 (counts as 1tr), 6tr into v-st, *7tr in next v-st; repeat from * around join to top of ch-3 with a sl st. Do not turn.

Rnd 5: Repeat rnd 3

Repeat rnds 4 and 5 four more times or until cowl is the size you want.

To finish: Ch 1, work 1dc in each st and ch-1 sp around, Join with a sl st. Fasten off and weave in ends. (56dc)

Lululoves: Free crochet pattern Giant Bobble Cowl

Lululoves: Free crochet pattern Giant Bobble Cowl

Lululoves: Free crochet pattern Giant Bobble Cowl

Lululoves: Free crochet pattern Giant Bobble Cowl

Free Crochet Pattern - Giant Bobble Cowl | Lululoves Crochet Blog

You can also have a peek at these chunky bobbles over on episode 1 of my crochet vlog/podcast. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Bye for now. Em xx

Wool and the Gang

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